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Fentanyl drug testing. Are you looking for ways to test for fentanyl?

Drug testing for fentanyl. Are you looking for ways to test for fentanyl?

With AMH Nationwide, laboratory testing for Fentanyl can be accomplished through a number of different drug tests, including options for urine, hair, and nail drug testing:

Urine drug test

Fentanyl-only test

Healthcare Professional Profile

Hair drug test (This also includes norfentanyl, a metabolite of fentanyl. These tests can be segmented to reflect thirty-, sixty-, and ninety-day increments of time, or longer periods of six months, nine months, twelve months, etc.)

Fentanyl-only test

8-panel drug test

13-panel drug test

17-panel drug test

18-panel drug test

Nail drug test (also includes sufentanil, a similar synthetic opiate to fentanyl)

14-panel drug test

Fentanyl is a man-made narcotic substance that is traditionally used to treat chronic or acute post-treatment pain, and is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use in this manner. However, due to the nature and potency of the drug it is officially classified as a Schedule II controlled substance, sharing this status with other opioids such as oxycodone, methadone, and morphine. Fentanyl has been identified as especially dangerous due to a number of factors, including incredibly high potency that results in frequent overdose, large risk of abuse, and potentially dramatic levels of physical and psychological dependence.

In recent years, cases of fentanyl overdose–many among which have been fatal–have drastically increased within the U.S., to the point of being labeled an epidemic by several United States governmental, medical, and educational bodies. Often sourced and created within illicit laboratories, fentanyl is commonly smuggled into the United States and distributed widely through the illegal drug market. Due to its comparatively low cost and strength in low doses, it is not uncommon to discover traces of fentanyl mixed with other street drugs such as heroin or cocaine. It is even on occasion pressed into tablets or filled into pills, often mimicking other prescription opioids such as oxycodone to avoid official regulation and scrutiny without laboratory testing.

Testing for fentanyl is increasingly important as cases of fatal overdose permeate the United States. Fentanyl is highly dangerous, measured at approximately one-hundred times the potency of morphine, and approximately fifty times that of heroin. Even trace quantities of the drug, as low as two milligrams in some cases, have shown to be fatal to some individuals. Symptoms of overdose include stupor, pupil dilation, coma, and even severe respiratory depression and failure, among other side effects.

As other drugs can be laced or otherwise contaminated with fentanyl, it can be particularly difficult to track its usage, as well as how much is present that could result in an overdose. Taking a fentanyl drug test is the only way to accurately track if the drug is present within the body, and laboratory testing is the only sure-fire way to determine how much fentanyl has been added to another substance. Drugs that are not provided by an officially licensed and verified medical professional or pharmacy hold a risk of being contaminated with fentanyl, so exercise caution and only accept medical advice and medication from legitimate sources to avoid the risk of improper fentanyl exposure.

To order a fentanyl drug test simply call and speak to a friendly, informative customer service specialist. We can help you decide what type of fentanyl test will work for you and get you registered in one easy phone call. 

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