The mother of my son’s friend called me tonight and told me that my child was doing Kratom. What is Kratom and do you offer drug testing for Kratom? M****** M****** San Diego, Ca
Kratom is a plant which is native to Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. Kratom leaves can be chewed and dry Kratom can be swallowed or brewed in a tea. Kratom extract can be used to make liquid products which are often marketed as a pain reliever, anti-diarrheal, and for treating panic disorders.
Kratom can affect the brain in the same way as an opioid. It affects the brain receptors as morphine and exposes the user to the risk of addiction, abuse and dependence. Kratom can also have a stimulant-like effect. Kratom and Kratom based products are currently legal and accessible in many areas throughout the United States. Even though it is legal, there are no uses for Kratom that are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Some people use Kratom for managing drug withdrawal symptoms and for pain, fatigue and mental health problems. Many people who take Kratom believe in its value but, researchers who have studied Kratom think that its side effects outweigh any potential benefits. Kratom has a number of known side effects, including weight loss, dry mouth, chills, nausea, vomiting, changes in urine, constipation, liver damage and muscle pain. Kratom also affects the mind and nervous system causing dizziness, drowsiness, hallucinations, delusion, depression, delusion, breathing suppression, seizure, coma, and death. Kratom is subject to dependence and withdrawal symptoms including muscle aches, insomnia, irritability, hostility, aggression, emotional changes, runny nose, and jerky movement.
Currently, we have one laboratory that we use that can provide a drug test for Kratom. We have test for Kratom in hair, urine and nail bed drug samples. Kratom is available in the 18-panel hair and nail drug test. The hair drug test and nail bed tests can detect abuse by trapping the keratin fibers and as the specimen grows it can detect substances for up to 3 months in hair (or longer if body hair) and 3-6 months in the nail. For comparison, a urinalysis drug screening has a typical lookback window of about 1-3 days. Urinalysis for Kratom is offered in an add-on or stand-alone test.
Hair and nail samples are easy to collect, non-intrusive and can be shipped without any biohazard restrictions. Collection sites use hair and nail testing to get a baseline level for the donor to have. Urinalysis is easy to collect at a collection site and sent into the lab with results in 1-3 days.