Detects: Chlamydia and/or Gonorrhea urinary tract infection.
Chlamydia and Neisseria Gonorrhea are two of the most common STDs, and they are very easily transmitted. Often times the first sign of infection is when symptoms start to appear. While they are two different infections, the symptoms of each are eerily similar. Itching and burning, pain during urination, and unusual discharge are the most commonly reported signs of infection. As always, it’s important to remember that not everyone who contracts an STD will show symptoms. If left untreated Chlamydia and Gonorrhea can both cause irreversible damage. Whether you are experiencing symptoms, have a known exposure, or are just practicing safe sex you should consider testing for both chlamydia and gonorrhea. A urine sample is all it takes, results are returned quickly, and treatment is very easy to attain if you test positive.