9-Panel Fingernail Drug Test
Test name:
9 panel fingernail test, 9 panel fingernail drug test, 9 panel fingernail test for drugs, 9 panel toenail drug test
Drugs and drug classification:
amphetamines/methamphetamine, cocaine, opiates and expanded prescription opiates, PCP (Phencyclidine), marijuana, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, methadone, propoxyphene, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, norhydrocodone.
Lab order:
REQUIRED (call customer service at 877-731-6377).
Test arrangements and appointments:
No appointment needed, orders for 9-panel nail drug test collections may require special test arrangements, same day collections may be possible but we may have to mail out lab orders and we therefore strongly suggest calling customer service as soon as possible.
Result turnaround time:
Please remember result times are an ESTIMATE and never a guarantee. Results for a 9 panel fingernail drug test usually take an ESTIMATED 1 to 7 business days but average 3 to 5 business days
For the 9-panel nail drug test you need 100 mg of a clipped fingernail or toenail sample. (Special note: fingernail and toenails cannot be combined), clipping done by specimen donor, collections are observed and signed off by lab technician, a cutting of each 10 fingernails or toenails, 2 to 3 millimeters (2 to 3 MM) in length yields a 100 milligram (100 mg) (if not enough nail sample see 9 panel hair follicle drug test)
Detection time:
A standard 9 panel fingernail drug test has a detection time of a estimated 3 to 6 months from potential usage when using fingernail clippings, however, when using toenail clippings detection can possibly go back as long as one year
May require a small fee for the collection, the price for the 9 panel fingernail drug test can vary depending on which drug test locations are available in your area, you must call customer service for a price quote, however our test prices are normally better or the best price in the area (Please note: All prices include any necessary confirmation testing and medical review of any possible prescriptions.)
EIA (homogenous) or Elisa (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) (heterogeneous) screening technology, GCMS (Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry) confirmation technology of non-negative presumptive positives
Clinical applications:
Finger and toenail drug testing offers extended detection times when compared to drug testing by urine, blood, and oral swab, allows for observed collection when adulteration of urine sample is suspected (donor performs their own nail clipping in the presence of lab tech), used to clarify confusing or conflicting pre-employment, pain management and probation urine drug test results, court ordered finger and toenail drug testing, post rehab testing, difficult or impossible to adulterate.
Takes roughly 1 to 2 weeks for drug or alcohol abuse to begin showing in 9-panel nail drug test sample, environmental exposure can show immediately
Possible processing laboratory options:
United States Drug Testing Laboratory (USDTL)
I was told I need a fingernail test that checks for meth. Does that mean that I need a 9 panel fingernail test to include methadone?
Is the 9 panel fingernail test more sensitive than the hair test?