7 Panel Hair Follicle Drug Test
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Test name:
7 panel hair test, 7 panel hair drug test, 7 panel hair follicle drug test, 7 panel hair test for drugs
Drugs and drug classification:
This test screens for amphetamines/methamphetamine, cocaine, opiates, expanded prescription opiates (but not limited to oxycodone or oxymorphone), PCP (phencyclidine), marijuana, benzodiazepines, and barbiturates
Lab order:
REQUIRED: Call customer service at (877) 731-6377.
Test arrangements and appointments:
Lab orders for the 7 panel hair test possibly require special test arrangements. Collections on the same day might be possible, but sometimes, we have to send the lab orders via mail. Therefore, we strongly recommend calling our customer service at your earliest convenience.
Result turnaround time:
Result turn around ranges anywhere from 1 and 7 business days, but typically takes 3 to 5 business days, please realize result times are an estimate and never guaranteed.
This test requires anywhere from 90 to 120 strands of head hair that is also 1 ½ inches to 2 inches in length—body hair collection options include underarm hair, chest hair, leg hair, facial hair, forearm hair, back hair, and sometimes pubic hair. (If the hair on your head is not long enough, see our 30-day hair follicle drug test or view our 60-day hair follicle drug test or fingernail drug test.)
Detection time:
A 7 panel hair follicle drug test has a detection time of an estimated 90 days from potential usage. Extended detection times are NOT available for this test. You might want to consider an alternative method such as a 5 panel or 17 panel in 3 month increments, a 6 month hair follicle drug test, 9 month hair follicle drug test, 1 year hair follicle drug test, etc. (Please note: You need to have long enough hair on your head to cover the desired time frame—please call customer service for further details.)
The price for the 7 panel hair follicle drug test can differ depending on which drug test locations are currently available in your area. You need to call customer service for a price quote; however, our pricing for our tests are normally the most cost-effective if not the best price in the area! Please note: All prices include any necessary confirmation testing and medical review of any possible prescriptions.
EIA (homogenous) or Elisa (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) (heterogeneous) screening technology, GCMS (Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry) confirmation technology of non-negative presumptive positives
Clinical applications:
Three month hair test (90 day) extended detection times when compared to drug testing by urine, blood, and oral swab. The 30 day hair follicle drug test, 60 day hair follicle drug test, 6 month hair follicle drug test, 9 month hair follicle drug test, and 1 year (and longer) hair test allow for observed hair collection when adulteration of urine sample is suspected. Can be used to clarify confusing or conflicting results for pre-employment, pain management and probation urine drug test results, court-ordered hair drug testing, hair drug testing for child custody and divorce, personal and private testing via laboratory collection or private at-home self-collection, testing for child or loved one, post-rehab testing, difficult or impossible to adulterate. (*For child custody and child protective services scenarios, you may want to consider a 7 panel hair drug test environmental exposure, ChildGuard.)
Limitations general:
The test can take anywhere from 5 to 10 days for drug use to show up in hair sample.
Possible processing laboratory options:
United States Drug Testing Laboratory (USDTL)
What types of drugs are tested on a 7 panel hair follicle drug test?
Are there other nicknames for the street drugs on the 7 panel hair follicle drug test?
There are many commonly used slang or street terms for drugs included on the 7 panel hair follicle drug test.Below are a few:
Amphetamines: uppers, addys, crystal, glass, speed, pep pill, smart pills
Marijuana: mary jane, dope, weed
Cocaine: coke, dust, big C, snow, blow, powder bump; crack: base, 8 ball, hail, rock candy chemical
PCP: angel dust, peace pills, amp, zoom, boat, super grass, superweed, wack
Benzodiazepines: downers, yellow boys, upjohn, benzos, zbars, V, brick, white boys, white girls
Opiates: smack, dragon, juice, purple drink, H, junk,
Barbiturates: yellow jackets, phennies, bars, red birds, and reds.
Can I do an at-home test for the 7 panel hair follicle test?
Do I need to pay for the 7 panel hair follicle drug test before I go in to be tested?
How much does a 7 panel hair follicle drug test cost?
Hair Follicle Drug Testing Service
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